"""DGL PyTorch DataLoaders"""
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
from queue import Queue, Empty, Full
import itertools
import threading
import math
import inspect
import re
import atexit
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
import psutil
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler
from ..base import NID, EID, dgl_warning, DGLError
from ..batch import batch as batch_graphs
from .._ffi.base import is_tensor_adaptor_enabled
from ..heterograph import DGLGraph
from ..utils import (
recursive_apply, ExceptionWrapper, recursive_apply_pair, set_num_threads, get_num_threads,
get_numa_nodes_cores, dtype_of, version)
from ..frame import LazyFeature
from ..storages import wrap_storage
from .. import backend as F
from ..distributed import DistGraph
from ..multiprocessing import call_once_and_share
PYTORCH_VER = version.parse(torch.__version__)
def _set_python_exit_flag():
prefetcher_timeout = int(os.environ.get('DGL_PREFETCHER_TIMEOUT', '30'))
class _TensorizedDatasetIter(object):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, drop_last, mapping_keys, shuffle):
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.mapping_keys = mapping_keys
self.index = 0
self.shuffle = shuffle
# For PyTorch Lightning compatibility
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _next_indices(self):
num_items = self.dataset.shape[0]
if self.index >= num_items:
raise StopIteration
end_idx = self.index + self.batch_size
if end_idx > num_items:
if self.drop_last:
raise StopIteration
end_idx = num_items
batch = self.dataset[self.index:end_idx]
self.index += self.batch_size
return batch
def __next__(self):
batch = self._next_indices()
if self.mapping_keys is None:
# clone() fixes #3755, probably. Not sure why. Need to take a look afterwards.
return batch.clone()
# convert the type-ID pairs to dictionary
type_ids = batch[:, 0]
indices = batch[:, 1]
if PYTORCH_VER >= version.parse("1.10.0"):
_, type_ids_sortidx = torch.sort(type_ids, stable=True)
if not self.shuffle:
'The current output_nodes are out of order even if set shuffle '
'to False in Dataloader, the reason is that the current version '
'of torch dose not support stable sort. '
'Please update torch to 1.10.0 or higher to fix it.')
type_ids_sortidx = torch.argsort(type_ids)
type_ids = type_ids[type_ids_sortidx]
indices = indices[type_ids_sortidx]
type_id_uniq, type_id_count = torch.unique_consecutive(type_ids, return_counts=True)
type_id_uniq = type_id_uniq.tolist()
type_id_offset = type_id_count.cumsum(0).tolist()
type_id_offset.insert(0, 0)
id_dict = {
for i in range(len(type_id_uniq))}
return id_dict
def _get_id_tensor_from_mapping(indices, device, keys):
dtype = dtype_of(indices)
id_tensor = torch.empty(
sum(v.shape[0] for v in indices.values()), 2, dtype=dtype, device=device)
offset = 0
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
if k not in indices:
index = indices[k]
length = index.shape[0]
id_tensor[offset:offset+length, 0] = i
id_tensor[offset:offset+length, 1] = index
offset += length
return id_tensor
def _divide_by_worker(dataset, batch_size, drop_last):
num_samples = dataset.shape[0]
worker_info = torch.utils.data.get_worker_info()
if worker_info:
num_batches = (num_samples + (0 if drop_last else batch_size - 1)) // batch_size
num_batches_per_worker = num_batches // worker_info.num_workers
left_over = num_batches % worker_info.num_workers
start = (num_batches_per_worker * worker_info.id) + min(left_over, worker_info.id)
end = start + num_batches_per_worker + (worker_info.id < left_over)
start *= batch_size
end = min(end * batch_size, num_samples)
dataset = dataset[start:end]
return dataset
class TensorizedDataset(torch.utils.data.IterableDataset):
"""Custom Dataset wrapper that returns a minibatch as tensors or dicts of tensors.
When the dataset is on the GPU, this significantly reduces the overhead.
def __init__(self, indices, batch_size, drop_last, shuffle, use_shared_memory):
if isinstance(indices, Mapping):
self._mapping_keys = list(indices.keys())
self._device = next(iter(indices.values())).device
self._id_tensor = _get_id_tensor_from_mapping(
indices, self._device, self._mapping_keys)
self._id_tensor = indices
self._device = indices.device
self._mapping_keys = None
# Use a shared memory array to permute indices for shuffling. This is to make sure that
# the worker processes can see it when persistent_workers=True, where self._indices
# would not be duplicated every epoch.
self._indices = torch.arange(self._id_tensor.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64)
if use_shared_memory:
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
self._shuffle = shuffle
def shuffle(self):
"""Shuffle the dataset."""
def __iter__(self):
indices = _divide_by_worker(self._indices, self.batch_size, self.drop_last)
id_tensor = self._id_tensor[indices]
return _TensorizedDatasetIter(
id_tensor, self.batch_size, self.drop_last, self._mapping_keys, self._shuffle)
def __len__(self):
num_samples = self._id_tensor.shape[0]
return (num_samples + (0 if self.drop_last else (self.batch_size - 1))) // self.batch_size
class DDPTensorizedDataset(torch.utils.data.IterableDataset):
"""Custom Dataset wrapper that returns a minibatch as tensors or dicts of tensors.
When the dataset is on the GPU, this significantly reduces the overhead.
This class additionally saves the index tensor in shared memory and therefore
avoids duplicating the same index tensor during shuffling.
def __init__(self, indices, batch_size, drop_last, ddp_seed, shuffle):
if isinstance(indices, Mapping):
self._mapping_keys = list(indices.keys())
len_indices = sum(len(v) for v in indices.values())
self._mapping_keys = None
len_indices = len(indices)
self.rank = dist.get_rank()
self.num_replicas = dist.get_world_size()
self.seed = ddp_seed
self.epoch = 0
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
self._shuffle = shuffle
if self.drop_last and len_indices % self.num_replicas != 0:
self.num_samples = math.ceil((len_indices - self.num_replicas) / self.num_replicas)
self.num_samples = math.ceil(len_indices / self.num_replicas)
self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas
# If drop_last is True, we create a shared memory array larger than the number
# of indices since we will need to pad it after shuffling to make it evenly
# divisible before every epoch. If drop_last is False, we create an array
# with the same size as the indices so we can trim it later.
self.shared_mem_size = self.total_size if not self.drop_last else len_indices
self.num_indices = len_indices
if isinstance(indices, Mapping):
self._device = next(iter(indices.values())).device
self._id_tensor = call_once_and_share(
lambda: _get_id_tensor_from_mapping(indices, self._device, self._mapping_keys),
(self.num_indices, 2), dtype_of(indices))
self._id_tensor = indices
self._device = self._id_tensor.device
self._indices = call_once_and_share(
self._create_shared_indices, (self.shared_mem_size,), torch.int64)
def _create_shared_indices(self):
indices = torch.empty(self.shared_mem_size, dtype=torch.int64)
num_ids = self._id_tensor.shape[0]
torch.arange(num_ids, out=indices[:num_ids])
torch.arange(self.shared_mem_size - num_ids, out=indices[num_ids:])
return indices
def shuffle(self):
"""Shuffles the dataset."""
# Only rank 0 does the actual shuffling. The other ranks wait for it.
if self.rank == 0:
if not self.drop_last:
# pad extra
self._indices[self.num_indices:] = \
self._indices[:self.total_size - self.num_indices]
def __iter__(self):
start = self.num_samples * self.rank
end = self.num_samples * (self.rank + 1)
indices = _divide_by_worker(self._indices[start:end], self.batch_size, self.drop_last)
id_tensor = self._id_tensor[indices]
return _TensorizedDatasetIter(
id_tensor, self.batch_size, self.drop_last, self._mapping_keys, self._shuffle)
def __len__(self):
return (self.num_samples + (0 if self.drop_last else (self.batch_size - 1))) // \
def _prefetch_update_feats(feats, frames, types, get_storage_func, id_name, device, pin_prefetcher):
for tid, frame in enumerate(frames):
type_ = types[tid]
default_id = frame.get(id_name, None)
for key in frame.keys():
column = frame._columns[key]
if isinstance(column, LazyFeature):
parent_key = column.name or key
if column.id_ is None and default_id is None:
raise DGLError(
'Found a LazyFeature with no ID specified, '
'and the graph does not have dgl.NID or dgl.EID columns')
feats[tid, key] = get_storage_func(parent_key, type_).fetch(
column.id_ or default_id, device, pin_prefetcher)
# This class exists to avoid recursion into the feature dictionary returned by the
# prefetcher when calling recursive_apply().
class _PrefetchedGraphFeatures(object):
__slots__ = ['node_feats', 'edge_feats']
def __init__(self, node_feats, edge_feats):
self.node_feats = node_feats
self.edge_feats = edge_feats
def _prefetch_for_subgraph(subg, dataloader):
node_feats, edge_feats = {}, {}
node_feats, subg._node_frames, subg.ntypes, dataloader.graph.get_node_storage,
NID, dataloader.device, dataloader.pin_prefetcher)
edge_feats, subg._edge_frames, subg.canonical_etypes, dataloader.graph.get_edge_storage,
EID, dataloader.device, dataloader.pin_prefetcher)
return _PrefetchedGraphFeatures(node_feats, edge_feats)
def _prefetch_for(item, dataloader):
if isinstance(item, DGLGraph):
return _prefetch_for_subgraph(item, dataloader)
elif isinstance(item, LazyFeature):
return dataloader.other_storages[item.name].fetch(
item.id_, dataloader.device, dataloader.pin_prefetcher)
return None
def _await_or_return(x):
if hasattr(x, 'wait'):
return x.wait()
elif isinstance(x, _PrefetchedGraphFeatures):
node_feats = recursive_apply(x.node_feats, _await_or_return)
edge_feats = recursive_apply(x.edge_feats, _await_or_return)
return _PrefetchedGraphFeatures(node_feats, edge_feats)
return x
def _record_stream(x, stream):
if stream is None:
return x
if hasattr(x, 'record_stream'):
return x
elif isinstance(x, _PrefetchedGraphFeatures):
node_feats = recursive_apply(x.node_feats, _record_stream, stream)
edge_feats = recursive_apply(x.edge_feats, _record_stream, stream)
return _PrefetchedGraphFeatures(node_feats, edge_feats)
return x
def _prefetch(batch, dataloader, stream):
# feats has the same nested structure of batch, except that
# (1) each subgraph is replaced with a pair of node features and edge features, both
# being dictionaries whose keys are (type_id, column_name) and values are either
# tensors or futures.
# (2) each LazyFeature object is replaced with a tensor or future.
# (3) everything else are replaced with None.
# Once the futures are fetched, this function waits for them to complete by
# calling its wait() method.
if stream is not None:
current_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream()
current_stream = None
with torch.cuda.stream(stream):
# fetch node/edge features
feats = recursive_apply(batch, _prefetch_for, dataloader)
feats = recursive_apply(feats, _await_or_return)
feats = recursive_apply(feats, _record_stream, current_stream)
# transfer input nodes/seed nodes/subgraphs
batch = recursive_apply(batch, lambda x: x.to(dataloader.device, non_blocking=True))
batch = recursive_apply(batch, _record_stream, current_stream)
stream_event = stream.record_event() if stream is not None else None
return batch, feats, stream_event
def _assign_for(item, feat):
if isinstance(item, DGLGraph):
subg = item
for (tid, key), value in feat.node_feats.items():
assert isinstance(subg._node_frames[tid][key], LazyFeature)
subg._node_frames[tid][key] = value
for (tid, key), value in feat.edge_feats.items():
assert isinstance(subg._edge_frames[tid][key], LazyFeature)
subg._edge_frames[tid][key] = value
return subg
elif isinstance(item, LazyFeature):
return feat
return item
def _put_if_event_not_set(queue, result, event):
while not event.is_set():
queue.put(result, timeout=1.0)
except Full:
def _prefetcher_entry(
dataloader_it, dataloader, queue, num_threads, stream, done_event):
# PyTorch will set the number of threads to 1 which slows down pin_memory() calls
# in main process if a prefetching thread is created.
if num_threads is not None:
while not done_event.is_set():
batch = next(dataloader_it)
except StopIteration:
batch = recursive_apply(batch, restore_parent_storage_columns, dataloader.graph)
batch, feats, stream_event = _prefetch(batch, dataloader, stream)
_put_if_event_not_set(queue, (batch, feats, stream_event, None), done_event)
_put_if_event_not_set(queue, (None, None, None, None), done_event)
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
queue, (None, None, None, ExceptionWrapper(where='in prefetcher')), done_event)
# DGLGraphs have the semantics of lazy feature slicing with subgraphs. Such behavior depends
# on that DGLGraph's ndata and edata are maintained by Frames. So to maintain compatibility
# with older code, DGLGraphs and other graph storages are handled separately: (1)
# DGLGraphs will preserve the lazy feature slicing for subgraphs. (2) Other graph storages
# will not have lazy feature slicing; all feature slicing will be eager.
def remove_parent_storage_columns(item, g):
"""Removes the storage objects in the given graphs' Frames if it is a sub-frame of the
given parent graph, so that the storages are not serialized during IPC from PyTorch
DataLoader workers.
if not isinstance(item, DGLGraph) or not isinstance(g, DGLGraph):
return item
for subframe, frame in zip(
itertools.chain(item._node_frames, item._edge_frames),
itertools.chain(g._node_frames, g._edge_frames)):
for key in list(subframe.keys()):
subcol = subframe._columns[key] # directly get the column object
if isinstance(subcol, LazyFeature):
col = frame._columns.get(key, None)
if col is None:
if col.storage is subcol.storage:
subcol.storage = None
return item
def restore_parent_storage_columns(item, g):
"""Restores the storage objects in the given graphs' Frames if it is a sub-frame of the
given parent graph (i.e. when the storage object is None).
if not isinstance(item, DGLGraph) or not isinstance(g, DGLGraph):
return item
for subframe, frame in zip(
itertools.chain(item._node_frames, item._edge_frames),
itertools.chain(g._node_frames, g._edge_frames)):
for key in subframe.keys():
subcol = subframe._columns[key]
if isinstance(subcol, LazyFeature):
col = frame._columns.get(key, None)
if col is None:
if subcol.storage is None:
subcol.storage = col.storage
return item
class _PrefetchingIter(object):
def __init__(self, dataloader, dataloader_it, num_threads=None):
self.queue = Queue(1)
self.dataloader_it = dataloader_it
self.dataloader = dataloader
self.num_threads = num_threads
self.use_thread = dataloader.use_prefetch_thread
self.use_alternate_streams = dataloader.use_alternate_streams
self.device = self.dataloader.device
if self.use_alternate_streams and self.device.type == 'cuda':
self.stream = torch.cuda.Stream(device=self.device)
self.stream = None
self._shutting_down = False
if self.use_thread:
self._done_event = threading.Event()
thread = threading.Thread(
args=(dataloader_it, dataloader, self.queue, num_threads,
self.stream, self._done_event),
self.thread = thread
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _shutdown(self):
# Sometimes when Python is exiting complicated operations like
# self.queue.get_nowait() will hang. So we set it to no-op and let Python handle
# the rest since the thread is daemonic.
# PyTorch takes the same solution.
if not self._shutting_down:
self._shutting_down = True
self.queue.get_nowait() # In case the thread is blocking on put().
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
def __del__(self):
if self.use_thread:
def _next_non_threaded(self):
batch = next(self.dataloader_it)
batch = recursive_apply(batch, restore_parent_storage_columns, self.dataloader.graph)
batch, feats, stream_event = _prefetch(batch, self.dataloader, self.stream)
return batch, feats, stream_event
def _next_threaded(self):
batch, feats, stream_event, exception = self.queue.get(timeout=prefetcher_timeout)
except Empty:
raise RuntimeError(
f'Prefetcher thread timed out at {prefetcher_timeout} seconds.')
if batch is None:
if exception is None:
raise StopIteration
return batch, feats, stream_event
def __next__(self):
batch, feats, stream_event = \
self._next_non_threaded() if not self.use_thread else self._next_threaded()
batch = recursive_apply_pair(batch, feats, _assign_for)
if stream_event is not None:
return batch
# Make them classes to work with pickling in mp.spawn
class CollateWrapper(object):
"""Wraps a collate function with :func:`remove_parent_storage_columns` for serializing
from PyTorch DataLoader workers.
def __init__(self, sample_func, g, use_uva, device):
self.sample_func = sample_func
self.g = g
self.use_uva = use_uva
self.device = device
def __call__(self, items):
graph_device = getattr(self.g, 'device', None)
if self.use_uva or (graph_device != torch.device('cpu')):
# Only copy the indices to the given device if in UVA mode or the graph
# is not on CPU.
items = recursive_apply(items, lambda x: x.to(self.device))
batch = self.sample_func(self.g, items)
return recursive_apply(batch, remove_parent_storage_columns, self.g)
class WorkerInitWrapper(object):
"""Wraps the :attr:`worker_init_fn` argument of the DataLoader to set the number of DGL
OMP threads to 1 for PyTorch DataLoader workers.
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self, worker_id):
if self.func is not None:
def create_tensorized_dataset(indices, batch_size, drop_last, use_ddp, ddp_seed,
shuffle, use_shared_memory):
"""Converts a given indices tensor to a TensorizedDataset, an IterableDataset
that returns views of the original tensor, to reduce overhead from having
a list of scalar tensors in default PyTorch DataLoader implementation.
if use_ddp:
# DDP always uses shared memory
return DDPTensorizedDataset(indices, batch_size, drop_last, ddp_seed, shuffle)
return TensorizedDataset(indices, batch_size, drop_last, shuffle, use_shared_memory)
def _get_device(device):
device = torch.device(device)
if device.type == 'cuda' and device.index is None:
device = torch.device('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device())
return device
[docs]class DataLoader(torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
"""Sampled graph data loader. Wrap a :class:`~dgl.DGLGraph` and a
:class:`~dgl.dataloading.Sampler` into an iterable over mini-batches of samples.
DGL's ``DataLoader`` extends PyTorch's ``DataLoader`` by handling creation
and transmission of graph samples. It supports iterating over a set of nodes,
edges or any kinds of indices to get samples in the form of ``DGLGraph``, message
flow graphs (MFGS), or any other structures necessary to train a graph neural network.
graph : DGLGraph
The graph.
indices : Tensor or dict[ntype, Tensor]
The set of indices. It can either be a tensor of integer indices or a dictionary
of types and indices.
The actual meaning of the indices is defined by the :meth:`sample` method of
graph_sampler : dgl.dataloading.Sampler
The subgraph sampler.
device : device context, optional
The device of the generated MFGs in each iteration, which should be a
PyTorch device object (e.g., ``torch.device``).
By default this value is None. If :attr:`use_uva` is True, MFGs and graphs will
generated in torch.cuda.current_device(), otherwise generated in the same device
of :attr:`g`.
use_ddp : boolean, optional
If True, tells the DataLoader to split the training set for each
participating process appropriately using
Overrides the :attr:`sampler` argument of :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`.
ddp_seed : int, optional
The seed for shuffling the dataset in
Only effective when :attr:`use_ddp` is True.
use_uva : bool, optional
Whether to use Unified Virtual Addressing (UVA) to directly sample the graph
and slice the features from CPU into GPU. Setting it to True will pin the
graph and feature tensors into pinned memory.
If True, requires that :attr:`indices` must have the same device as the
:attr:`device` argument.
Default: False.
use_prefetch_thread : bool, optional
(Advanced option)
Spawns a new Python thread to perform feature slicing
asynchronously. Can make things faster at the cost of GPU memory.
Default: True if the graph is on CPU and :attr:`device` is CUDA. False otherwise.
use_alternate_streams : bool, optional
(Advanced option)
Whether to slice and transfers the features to GPU on a non-default stream.
Default: True if the graph is on CPU, :attr:`device` is CUDA, and :attr:`use_uva`
is False. False otherwise.
pin_prefetcher : bool, optional
(Advanced option)
Whether to pin the feature tensors into pinned memory.
Default: True if the graph is on CPU and :attr:`device` is CUDA. False otherwise.
kwargs : dict
Key-word arguments to be passed to the parent PyTorch
:py:class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` class. Common arguments are:
- ``batch_size`` (int): The number of indices in each batch.
- ``drop_last`` (bool): Whether to drop the last incomplete batch.
- ``shuffle`` (bool): Whether to randomly shuffle the indices at each epoch.
To train a 3-layer GNN for node classification on a set of nodes ``train_nid`` on
a homogeneous graph where each node takes messages from 15 neighbors on the
first layer, 10 neighbors on the second, and 5 neighbors on the third (assume
the backend is PyTorch):
>>> sampler = dgl.dataloading.MultiLayerNeighborSampler([15, 10, 5])
>>> dataloader = dgl.dataloading.DataLoader(
... g, train_nid, sampler,
... batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, num_workers=4)
>>> for input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks in dataloader:
... train_on(input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks)
**Using with Distributed Data Parallel**
If you are using PyTorch's distributed training (e.g. when using
:mod:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel`), you can train the model by turning
on the `use_ddp` option:
>>> sampler = dgl.dataloading.MultiLayerNeighborSampler([15, 10, 5])
>>> dataloader = dgl.dataloading.DataLoader(
... g, train_nid, sampler, use_ddp=True,
... batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, num_workers=4)
>>> for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epochs):
... for input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks in dataloader:
... train_on(input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks)
Please refer to
:doc:`Minibatch Training Tutorials <tutorials/large/L0_neighbor_sampling_overview>`
and :ref:`User Guide Section 6 <guide-minibatch>` for usage.
**Tips for selecting the proper device**
* If the input graph :attr:`g` is on GPU, the output device :attr:`device` must be the same GPU
and :attr:`num_workers` must be zero. In this case, the sampling and subgraph construction
will take place on the GPU. This is the recommended setting when using a single-GPU and
the whole graph fits in GPU memory.
* If the input graph :attr:`g` is on CPU while the output device :attr:`device` is GPU, then
depending on the value of :attr:`use_uva`:
- If :attr:`use_uva` is set to True, the sampling and subgraph construction will happen
on GPU even if the GPU itself cannot hold the entire graph. This is the recommended
setting unless there are operations not supporting UVA. :attr:`num_workers` must be 0
in this case.
- Otherwise, both the sampling and subgraph construction will take place on the CPU.
def __init__(self, graph, indices, graph_sampler, device=None, use_ddp=False,
ddp_seed=0, batch_size=1, drop_last=False, shuffle=False,
use_prefetch_thread=None, use_alternate_streams=None,
pin_prefetcher=None, use_uva=False, **kwargs):
# (BarclayII) PyTorch Lightning sometimes will recreate a DataLoader from an existing
# DataLoader with modifications to the original arguments. The arguments are retrieved
# from the attributes with the same name, and because we change certain arguments
# when calling super().__init__() (e.g. batch_size attribute is None even if the
# batch_size argument is not, so the next DataLoader's batch_size argument will be
# None), we cannot reinitialize the DataLoader with attributes from the previous
# DataLoader directly.
# A workaround is to check whether "collate_fn" appears in kwargs. If "collate_fn"
# is indeed in kwargs and it's already a CollateWrapper object, we can assume that
# the arguments come from a previously created DGL DataLoader, and directly initialize
# the new DataLoader from kwargs without any changes.
if isinstance(kwargs.get('collate_fn', None), CollateWrapper):
assert batch_size is None # must be None
# restore attributes
self.graph = graph
self.indices = indices
self.graph_sampler = graph_sampler
self.device = device
self.use_ddp = use_ddp
self.ddp_seed = ddp_seed
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.use_prefetch_thread = use_prefetch_thread
self.use_alternate_streams = use_alternate_streams
self.pin_prefetcher = pin_prefetcher
self.use_uva = use_uva
kwargs['batch_size'] = None
if isinstance(graph, DistGraph):
raise TypeError(
'Please use dgl.dataloading.DistNodeDataLoader or '
'dgl.datalaoding.DistEdgeDataLoader for DistGraphs.')
# (BarclayII) I hoped that pin_prefetcher can be merged into PyTorch's native
# pin_memory argument. But our neighbor samplers and subgraph samplers
# return indices, which could be CUDA tensors (e.g. during UVA sampling)
# hence cannot be pinned. PyTorch's native pin memory thread does not ignore
# CUDA tensors when pinning and will crash. To enable pin memory for prefetching
# features and disable pin memory for sampler's return value, I had to use
# a different argument. Of course I could change the meaning of pin_memory
# to pinning prefetched features and disable pin memory for sampler's returns
# no matter what, but I doubt if it's reasonable.
self.graph = graph
self.indices = indices # For PyTorch-Lightning
num_workers = kwargs.get('num_workers', 0)
indices_device = None
if isinstance(indices, Mapping):
indices = {k: (torch.tensor(v) if not torch.is_tensor(v) else v)
for k, v in indices.items()}
indices_device = next(iter(indices.values())).device
indices = torch.tensor(indices) if not torch.is_tensor(indices) else indices
indices_device = indices.device
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
# ignore when it fails to convert to torch Tensors.
if indices_device is None:
if not hasattr(indices, 'device'):
raise AttributeError('Custom indices dataset requires a \"device\" \
attribute indicating where the indices is.')
indices_device = indices.device
if device is None:
if use_uva:
device = torch.cuda.current_device()
device = self.graph.device
self.device = _get_device(device)
# Sanity check - we only check for DGLGraphs.
if isinstance(self.graph, DGLGraph):
# Check graph and indices device as well as num_workers
if use_uva:
if self.graph.device.type != 'cpu':
raise ValueError('Graph must be on CPU if UVA sampling is enabled.')
if num_workers > 0:
raise ValueError('num_workers must be 0 if UVA sampling is enabled.')
# Create all the formats and pin the features - custom GraphStorages
# will need to do that themselves.
if self.graph.device != indices_device:
raise ValueError(
'Expect graph and indices to be on the same device when use_uva=False. ')
if self.graph.device.type == 'cuda' and num_workers > 0:
raise ValueError('num_workers must be 0 if graph and indices are on CUDA.')
if self.graph.device.type == 'cpu' and num_workers > 0:
# Instantiate all the formats if the number of workers is greater than 0.
# Check pin_prefetcher and use_prefetch_thread - should be only effective
# if performing CPU sampling but output device is CUDA
if self.device.type == 'cuda' and self.graph.device.type == 'cpu' and not use_uva:
if pin_prefetcher is None:
pin_prefetcher = True
if use_prefetch_thread is None:
use_prefetch_thread = True
if pin_prefetcher is True:
raise ValueError(
'pin_prefetcher=True is only effective when device=cuda and '
'sampling is performed on CPU.')
if pin_prefetcher is None:
pin_prefetcher = False
if use_prefetch_thread is True:
raise ValueError(
'use_prefetch_thread=True is only effective when device=cuda and '
'sampling is performed on CPU.')
if use_prefetch_thread is None:
use_prefetch_thread = False
# Check use_alternate_streams
if use_alternate_streams is None:
use_alternate_streams = (
self.device.type == "cuda"
and self.graph.device.type == "cpu"
and not use_uva
and is_tensor_adaptor_enabled()
elif use_alternate_streams and not is_tensor_adaptor_enabled():
dgl_warning("use_alternate_streams is turned off because "
"TensorAdaptor is not available.")
use_alternate_streams = False
if (torch.is_tensor(indices) or (
isinstance(indices, Mapping) and
all(torch.is_tensor(v) for v in indices.values()))):
self.dataset = create_tensorized_dataset(
indices, batch_size, drop_last, use_ddp, ddp_seed, shuffle,
kwargs.get('persistent_workers', False))
self.dataset = indices
self.ddp_seed = ddp_seed
self.use_ddp = use_ddp
self.use_uva = use_uva
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.drop_last = drop_last
self.graph_sampler = graph_sampler
self.use_alternate_streams = use_alternate_streams
self.pin_prefetcher = pin_prefetcher
self.use_prefetch_thread = use_prefetch_thread
self.cpu_affinity_enabled = False
worker_init_fn = WorkerInitWrapper(kwargs.get('worker_init_fn', None))
self.other_storages = {}
self.graph_sampler.sample, graph, self.use_uva, self.device),
def __iter__(self):
if self.device.type == 'cpu' and not self.cpu_affinity_enabled:
link = 'https://docs.dgl.ai/tutorials/cpu/cpu_best_practises.html'
dgl_warning(f'Dataloader CPU affinity opt is not enabled, consider switching it on '
f'(see enable_cpu_affinity() or CPU best practices for DGL [{link}])')
if self.shuffle:
# When using multiprocessing PyTorch sometimes set the number of PyTorch threads to 1
# when spawning new Python threads. This drastically slows down pinning features.
num_threads = torch.get_num_threads() if self.num_workers > 0 else None
return _PrefetchingIter(self, super().__iter__(), num_threads=num_threads)
def enable_cpu_affinity(self, loader_cores=None, compute_cores=None, verbose=True):
""" Helper method for enabling cpu affinity for compute threads and dataloader workers
Only for CPU devices
Uses only NUMA node 0 by default for multi-node systems
loader_cores : [int] (optional)
List of cpu cores to which dataloader workers should affinitize to.
default: node0_cores[0:num_workers]
compute_cores : [int] (optional)
List of cpu cores to which compute threads should affinitize to
default: node0_cores[num_workers:]
verbose : bool (optional)
If True, affinity information will be printed to the console
with dataloader.enable_cpu_affinity():
<training loop>
if self.device.type == 'cpu':
if not self.num_workers > 0:
raise Exception('ERROR: affinity should be used with at least one DL worker')
if loader_cores and len(loader_cores) != self.num_workers:
raise Exception('ERROR: cpu_affinity incorrect '
'number of loader_cores={} for num_workers={}'
.format(loader_cores, self.num_workers))
# False positive E0203 (access-member-before-definition) linter warning
worker_init_fn_old = self.worker_init_fn # pylint: disable=E0203
affinity_old = psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()
nthreads_old = get_num_threads()
compute_cores = compute_cores[:] if compute_cores else []
loader_cores = loader_cores[:] if loader_cores else []
def init_fn(worker_id):
raise Exception('ERROR: cannot use affinity id={} cpu={}'
.format(worker_id, loader_cores))
if not loader_cores or not compute_cores:
numa_info = get_numa_nodes_cores()
if numa_info and len(numa_info[0]) > self.num_workers:
# take one thread per each node 0 core
node0_cores = [cpus[0] for core_id, cpus in numa_info[0]]
node0_cores = list(range(psutil.cpu_count(logical = False)))
if len(node0_cores) <= self.num_workers:
raise Exception('ERROR: more workers than available cores')
loader_cores = loader_cores or node0_cores[0:self.num_workers]
compute_cores = [cpu for cpu in node0_cores if cpu not in loader_cores]
self.worker_init_fn = init_fn
self.cpu_affinity_enabled = True
if verbose:
print('{} DL workers are assigned to cpus {}, main process will use cpus {}'
.format(self.num_workers, loader_cores, compute_cores))
# restore omp_num_threads and cpu affinity
self.worker_init_fn = worker_init_fn_old
self.cpu_affinity_enabled = False
# To allow data other than node/edge data to be prefetched.
def attach_data(self, name, data):
"""Add a data other than node and edge features for prefetching."""
self.other_storages[name] = wrap_storage(data)
######## Graph DataLoaders ########
# GraphDataLoader loads a set of graphs so it's not relevant to the above. They are currently
# copied from the old DataLoader implementation.
def _create_dist_sampler(dataset, dataloader_kwargs, ddp_seed):
# Note: will change the content of dataloader_kwargs
dist_sampler_kwargs = {'shuffle': dataloader_kwargs.get('shuffle', False)}
dataloader_kwargs['shuffle'] = False
dist_sampler_kwargs['seed'] = ddp_seed
dist_sampler_kwargs['drop_last'] = dataloader_kwargs.get('drop_last', False)
dataloader_kwargs['drop_last'] = False
return DistributedSampler(dataset, **dist_sampler_kwargs)
class GraphCollator(object):
"""Given a set of graphs as well as their graph-level data, the collate function will batch the
graphs into a batched graph, and stack the tensors into a single bigger tensor. If the
example is a container (such as sequences or mapping), the collate function preserves
the structure and collates each of the elements recursively.
If the set of graphs has no graph-level data, the collate function will yield a batched graph.
To train a GNN for graph classification on a set of graphs in ``dataset`` (assume
the backend is PyTorch):
>>> dataloader = dgl.dataloading.GraphDataLoader(
... dataset, batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, num_workers=4)
>>> for batched_graph, labels in dataloader:
... train_on(batched_graph, labels)
def __init__(self):
self.graph_collate_err_msg_format = (
"graph_collate: batch must contain DGLGraph, tensors, numpy arrays, "
"numbers, dicts or lists; found {}")
self.np_str_obj_array_pattern = re.compile(r'[SaUO]')
#This implementation is based on torch.utils.data._utils.collate.default_collate
def collate(self, items):
"""This function is similar to ``torch.utils.data._utils.collate.default_collate``.
It combines the sampled graphs and corresponding graph-level data
into a batched graph and tensors.
items : list of data points or tuples
Elements in the list are expected to have the same length.
Each sub-element will be batched as a batched graph, or a
batched tensor correspondingly.
A tuple of the batching results.
elem = items[0]
elem_type = type(elem)
if isinstance(elem, DGLGraph):
batched_graphs = batch_graphs(items)
return batched_graphs
elif F.is_tensor(elem):
return F.stack(items, 0)
elif elem_type.__module__ == 'numpy' and elem_type.__name__ != 'str_' \
and elem_type.__name__ != 'string_':
if elem_type.__name__ == 'ndarray' or elem_type.__name__ == 'memmap':
# array of string classes and object
if self.np_str_obj_array_pattern.search(elem.dtype.str) is not None:
raise TypeError(self.graph_collate_err_msg_format.format(elem.dtype))
return self.collate([F.tensor(b) for b in items])
elif elem.shape == (): # scalars
return F.tensor(items)
elif isinstance(elem, float):
return F.tensor(items, dtype=F.float64)
elif isinstance(elem, int):
return F.tensor(items)
elif isinstance(elem, (str, bytes)):
return items
elif isinstance(elem, Mapping):
return {key: self.collate([d[key] for d in items]) for key in elem}
elif isinstance(elem, tuple) and hasattr(elem, '_fields'): # namedtuple
return elem_type(*(self.collate(samples) for samples in zip(*items)))
elif isinstance(elem, Sequence):
# check to make sure that the elements in batch have consistent size
item_iter = iter(items)
elem_size = len(next(item_iter))
if not all(len(elem) == elem_size for elem in item_iter):
raise RuntimeError('each element in list of batch should be of equal size')
transposed = zip(*items)
return [self.collate(samples) for samples in transposed]
raise TypeError(self.graph_collate_err_msg_format.format(elem_type))
[docs]class GraphDataLoader(torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
"""Batched graph data loader.
PyTorch dataloader for batch-iterating over a set of graphs, generating the batched
graph and corresponding label tensor (if provided) of the said minibatch.
dataset : torch.utils.data.Dataset
The dataset to load graphs from.
collate_fn : Function, default is None
The customized collate function. Will use the default collate
function if not given.
use_ddp : boolean, optional
If True, tells the DataLoader to split the training set for each
participating process appropriately using
Overrides the :attr:`sampler` argument of :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`.
ddp_seed : int, optional
The seed for shuffling the dataset in
Only effective when :attr:`use_ddp` is True.
kwargs : dict
Key-word arguments to be passed to the parent PyTorch
:py:class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader` class. Common arguments are:
- ``batch_size`` (int): The number of indices in each batch.
- ``drop_last`` (bool): Whether to drop the last incomplete batch.
- ``shuffle`` (bool): Whether to randomly shuffle the indices at each epoch.
To train a GNN for graph classification on a set of graphs in ``dataset``:
>>> dataloader = dgl.dataloading.GraphDataLoader(
... dataset, batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, num_workers=4)
>>> for batched_graph, labels in dataloader:
... train_on(batched_graph, labels)
**With Distributed Data Parallel**
If you are using PyTorch's distributed training (e.g. when using
:mod:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel`), you can train the model by
turning on the :attr:`use_ddp` option:
>>> dataloader = dgl.dataloading.GraphDataLoader(
... dataset, use_ddp=True, batch_size=1024, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, num_workers=4)
>>> for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epochs):
... dataloader.set_epoch(epoch)
... for batched_graph, labels in dataloader:
... train_on(batched_graph, labels)
collator_arglist = inspect.getfullargspec(GraphCollator).args
def __init__(self, dataset, collate_fn=None, use_ddp=False, ddp_seed=0, **kwargs):
collator_kwargs = {}
dataloader_kwargs = {}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k in self.collator_arglist:
collator_kwargs[k] = v
dataloader_kwargs[k] = v
self.use_ddp = use_ddp
if use_ddp:
self.dist_sampler = _create_dist_sampler(dataset, dataloader_kwargs, ddp_seed)
dataloader_kwargs['sampler'] = self.dist_sampler
if collate_fn is None and kwargs.get('batch_size', 1) is not None:
collate_fn = GraphCollator(**collator_kwargs).collate
super().__init__(dataset=dataset, collate_fn=collate_fn, **dataloader_kwargs)
def set_epoch(self, epoch):
"""Sets the epoch number for the underlying sampler which ensures all replicas
to use a different ordering for each epoch.
Only available when :attr:`use_ddp` is True.
Calls :meth:`torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler.set_epoch`.
epoch : int
The epoch number.
if self.use_ddp:
raise DGLError('set_epoch is only available when use_ddp is True.')