"""Internal utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import glob
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np
from .. import backend as F
from .. import ndarray as nd
from .._ffi.function import _init_api
from ..base import EID, NID, DGLError, dgl_warning
def is_listlike(data):
"""Return if the data is a sequence but not a string."""
return isinstance(data, Sequence) and not isinstance(data, str)
class InconsistentDtypeException(DGLError):
"""Exception class for inconsistent dtype between graph and tensor"""
def __init__(self, msg="", *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W1113
prefix_message = "DGL now requires the input tensor to have\
the same dtype as the graph index's dtype(which you can get by g.idype). "
super().__init__(prefix_message + msg, *args, **kwargs)
class Index(object):
"""Index class that can be easily converted to list/tensor."""
def __init__(self, data, dtype="int64"):
assert dtype in ["int32", "int64"]
self.dtype = dtype
def _initialize_data(self, data):
self._pydata = None # a numpy type data
self._user_tensor_data = dict() # dictionary of user tensors
self._dgl_tensor_data = None # a dgl ndarray
self._slice_data = None # a slice type data
def __iter__(self):
for i in self.tonumpy():
yield int(i)
def __len__(self):
if self._slice_data is not None:
slc = self._slice_data
return slc.stop - slc.start
elif self._pydata is not None:
return len(self._pydata)
elif len(self._user_tensor_data) > 0:
data = next(iter(self._user_tensor_data.values()))
return len(data)
return len(self._dgl_tensor_data)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return int(self.tonumpy()[i])
def _dispatch(self, data):
"""Store data based on its type."""
if F.is_tensor(data):
if F.dtype(data) != F.data_type_dict[self.dtype]:
raise InconsistentDtypeException(
"Index data specified as %s, but got: %s"
% (self.dtype, F.reverse_data_type_dict[F.dtype(data)])
if len(F.shape(data)) > 1:
raise InconsistentDtypeException(
"Index data must be 1D int32/int64 vector,\
but got shape: %s"
% str(F.shape(data))
if len(F.shape(data)) == 0:
# a tensor of one int
self._user_tensor_data[F.context(data)] = data
elif isinstance(data, nd.NDArray):
if not (data.dtype == self.dtype and len(data.shape) == 1):
raise InconsistentDtypeException(
"Index data must be 1D %s vector, but got: %s"
% (self.dtype, data.dtype)
self._dgl_tensor_data = data
elif isinstance(data, slice):
# save it in the _pydata temporarily; materialize it if `tonumpy` is called
assert (
data.step == 1 or data.step is None
), "step for slice type must be 1"
self._slice_data = slice(data.start, data.stop)
data = np.asarray(data, dtype=self.dtype)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
raise DGLError("Error index data: %s" % str(data))
if data.ndim == 0: # scalar array
data = np.expand_dims(data, 0)
elif data.ndim != 1:
raise DGLError(
"Index data must be 1D int64 vector,"
" but got: %s" % str(data)
self._pydata = data
self._user_tensor_data[F.cpu()] = F.zerocopy_from_numpy(
def tonumpy(self):
"""Convert to a numpy ndarray."""
if self._pydata is None:
if self._slice_data is not None:
slc = self._slice_data
self._pydata = np.arange(slc.start, slc.stop).astype(self.dtype)
elif self._dgl_tensor_data is not None:
self._pydata = self._dgl_tensor_data.asnumpy()
data = self.tousertensor()
self._pydata = F.zerocopy_to_numpy(data)
return self._pydata
def tousertensor(self, ctx=None):
"""Convert to user tensor (defined in `backend`)."""
if ctx is None:
ctx = F.cpu()
if len(self._user_tensor_data) == 0:
if self._dgl_tensor_data is not None:
# zero copy from dgl tensor
dlpack = self._dgl_tensor_data.to_dlpack()
self._user_tensor_data[F.cpu()] = F.zerocopy_from_dlpack(dlpack)
# zero copy from numpy array
self._user_tensor_data[F.cpu()] = F.zerocopy_from_numpy(
if ctx not in self._user_tensor_data:
# copy from cpu to another device
data = next(iter(self._user_tensor_data.values()))
self._user_tensor_data[ctx] = F.copy_to(data, ctx)
return self._user_tensor_data[ctx]
def todgltensor(self):
"""Convert to dgl.NDArray."""
if self._dgl_tensor_data is None:
# zero copy from user tensor
tsor = self.tousertensor()
dlpack = F.zerocopy_to_dlpack(tsor)
self._dgl_tensor_data = nd.from_dlpack(dlpack)
return self._dgl_tensor_data
def slice_data(self):
"""Return the internal slice data.
If this index is not initialized from slice, the return will be None.
return self._slice_data
def is_slice(self, start, stop):
"""Check if Index wraps a slice data with given start and stop"""
return self._slice_data == slice(start, stop)
def __getstate__(self):
if self._slice_data is not None:
# the index can be represented by a slice
return self._slice_data, self.dtype
return self.tousertensor(), self.dtype
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Pickle compatibility check
# TODO: we should store a storage version number in later releases.
if isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2:
# post-0.4.4
data, self.dtype = state
# pre-0.4.3
"The object is pickled before 0.4.3. Setting dtype of graph to int64"
self.dtype = "int64"
def get_items(self, index):
"""Return values at given positions of an Index
index: utils.Index
The values at the given position.
if self._slice_data is not None and self._slice_data.start == 0:
# short-cut for identical mapping
# NOTE: we don't check for out-of-bound error
return index
elif index._slice_data is None:
# the provided index is not a slice
tensor = self.tousertensor()
index = index.tousertensor()
# TODO(Allen): Change F.gather_row to dgl operation
return Index(F.gather_row(tensor, index), self.dtype)
elif self._slice_data is None:
# the current index is not a slice but the provided is a slice
tensor = self.tousertensor()
index = index._slice_data
# TODO(Allen): Change F.narrow_row to dgl operation
return Index(
F.narrow_row(tensor, index.start, index.stop),
# both self and index wrap a slice object, then return another
# Index wrapping a slice
start = self._slice_data.start
index = index._slice_data
return Index(
slice(start + index.start, start + index.stop), self.dtype
def set_items(self, index, value):
"""Set values at given positions of an Index. Set is not done in place,
instead, a new Index object will be returned.
index: utils.Index
Positions to set values
value: int or utils.Index
Values to set. If value is an integer, then all positions are set
to the same value
The new values.
tensor = self.tousertensor()
index = index.tousertensor()
if isinstance(value, int):
value = F.full_1d(len(index), value, dtype=F.int64, ctx=F.cpu())
value = value.tousertensor()
return Index(F.scatter_row(tensor, index, value), self.dtype)
def append_zeros(self, num):
"""Append zeros to an Index
num: int
number of zeros to append
if num == 0:
return self
new_items = F.zeros((num,), dtype=F.int64, ctx=F.cpu())
if len(self) == 0:
return Index(new_items, self.dtype)
tensor = self.tousertensor()
tensor = F.cat((tensor, new_items), dim=0)
return Index(tensor, self.dtype)
def nonzero(self):
"""Return the nonzero positions"""
tensor = self.tousertensor()
mask = F.nonzero_1d(tensor != 0)
return Index(mask, self.dtype)
def has_nonzero(self):
"""Check if there is any nonzero value in this Index"""
tensor = self.tousertensor()
return F.sum(tensor, 0) > 0
def toindex(data, dtype="int64"):
"""Convert the given data to Index object.
data : index data
Data to create the index.
The index object.
See Also
return data if isinstance(data, Index) else Index(data, dtype)
def zero_index(size, dtype="int64"):
"""Create a index with provided size initialized to zero
size: int
return Index(
F.zeros((size,), dtype=F.data_type_dict[dtype], ctx=F.cpu()),
def set_diff(ar1, ar2):
"""Find the set difference of two index arrays.
Return the unique values in ar1 that are not in ar2.
ar1: utils.Index
Input index array.
ar2: utils.Index
Input comparison index array.
Array of values in ar1 that are not in ar2.
ar1_np = ar1.tonumpy()
ar2_np = ar2.tonumpy()
setdiff = np.setdiff1d(ar1_np, ar2_np)
setdiff = toindex(setdiff)
return setdiff
class LazyDict(Mapping):
"""A readonly dictionary that does not materialize the storage."""
def __init__(self, fn, keys):
self._fn = fn
self._keys = keys
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self._keys:
raise KeyError(key)
return self._fn(key)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._keys
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._keys)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._keys)
def keys(self):
return self._keys
class HybridDict(Mapping):
"""A readonly dictonary that merges several dict-like (python dict, LazyDict).
If there are duplicate keys, early keys have priority over latter ones.
def __init__(self, *dict_like_list):
self._dict_like_list = dict_like_list
self._keys = set()
for obj in dict_like_list:
def keys(self):
return self._keys
def __getitem__(self, key):
for obj in self._dict_like_list:
if key in obj:
return obj[key]
raise KeyError(key)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.keys()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.keys())
def __len__(self):
return len(self.keys())
class ReadOnlyDict(Mapping):
"""A readonly dictionary wrapper."""
def __init__(self, dict_like):
self._dict_like = dict_like
def keys(self):
return self._dict_like.keys()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._dict_like[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._dict_like
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._dict_like)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dict_like)
def build_relabel_map(x, is_sorted=False):
"""Relabel the input ids to continuous ids that starts from zero.
Ids are assigned new ids according to their ascending order.
>>> x = [1, 5, 3, 6]
>>> n2o, o2n = build_relabel_map(x)
>>> n2o
[1, 3, 5, 6]
>>> o2n
[n/a, 0, n/a, 1, n/a, 2, 3]
"n/a" will be filled with 0
x : Index
The input ids.
is_sorted : bool, default=False
Whether the input has already been unique and sorted.
new_to_old : tensor
The mapping from new id to old id.
old_to_new : tensor
The mapping from old id to new id. It is a vector of length MAX(x).
One can use advanced indexing to convert an old id tensor to a
new id tensor: new_id = old_to_new[old_id]
x = x.tousertensor()
if not is_sorted:
unique_x, _ = F.sort_1d(F.unique(x))
unique_x = x
map_len = int(F.asnumpy(F.max(unique_x, dim=0))) + 1
old_to_new = F.zeros((map_len,), dtype=F.int64, ctx=F.cpu())
old_to_new = F.scatter_row(old_to_new, unique_x, F.arange(0, len(unique_x)))
return unique_x, old_to_new
def build_relabel_dict(x):
"""Relabel the input ids to continuous ids that starts from zero.
The new id follows the order of the given node id list.
x : list
The input ids.
relabel_dict : dict
Dict from old id to new id.
relabel_dict = {}
for i, v in enumerate(x):
relabel_dict[v] = i
return relabel_dict
class CtxCachedObject(object):
"""A wrapper to cache object generated by different context.
Note: such wrapper may incur significant overhead if the wrapped object is very light.
generator : callable
A callable function that can create the object given ctx as the only argument.
def __init__(self, generator):
self._generator = generator
self._ctx_dict = {}
def __call__(self, ctx):
if ctx not in self._ctx_dict:
self._ctx_dict[ctx] = self._generator(ctx)
return self._ctx_dict[ctx]
def cached_member(cache, prefix):
"""A member function decorator to memorize the result.
Note that the member function cannot support kwargs after being decorated.
The member function must be functional. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
cache : str
The cache name. The cache should be a dictionary attribute
in the class object.
prefix : str
The key prefix to save the result of the function.
def _creator(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
dic = getattr(self, cache)
key = "%s-%s-%s" % (
"-".join([str(a) for a in args]),
"-".join([str(k) + ":" + str(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]),
if key not in dic:
dic[key] = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return dic[key]
return wrapper
return _creator
def is_dict_like(obj):
"""Return true if the object can be treated as a dictionary."""
return isinstance(obj, Mapping)
def reorder(dict_like, index):
"""Reorder each column in the dict according to the index.
dict_like : dict of tensors
The dict to be reordered.
index : dgl.utils.Index
The reorder index.
new_dict = {}
for key, val in dict_like.items():
idx_ctx = index.tousertensor(F.context(val))
new_dict[key] = F.gather_row(val, idx_ctx)
return new_dict
def reorder_index(idx, order):
"""Reorder the idx according to the given order
idx : utils.Index
The index to be reordered.
order : utils.Index
The order to follow.
idx = idx.tousertensor()
order = order.tousertensor()
new_idx = F.gather_row(idx, order)
return toindex(new_idx)
def is_iterable(obj):
"""Return true if the object is an iterable."""
return isinstance(obj, Iterable)
def to_dgl_context(ctx):
"""Convert a backend context to DGLContext"""
device_type = nd.DGLContext.STR2MASK[F.device_type(ctx)]
device_id = F.device_id(ctx)
return nd.DGLContext(device_type, device_id)
def to_nbits_int(tensor, nbits):
"""Change the dtype of integer tensor
The dtype of returned tensor uses nbits, nbits can only be 32 or 64
assert nbits in (32, 64), "nbits can either be 32 or 64"
if nbits == 32:
return F.astype(tensor, F.int32)
return F.astype(tensor, F.int64)
def make_invmap(array, use_numpy=True):
"""Find the unique elements of the array and return another array with indices
to the array of unique elements."""
if use_numpy:
uniques = np.unique(array)
uniques = list(set(array))
invmap = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(uniques)}
remapped = np.asarray([invmap[x] for x in array])
return uniques, invmap, remapped
def expand_as_pair(input_, g=None):
"""Return a pair of same element if the input is not a pair.
If the graph is a block, obtain the feature of destination nodes from the source nodes.
input_ : Tensor, dict[str, Tensor], or their pairs
The input features
g : DGLGraph or None
The graph.
If None, skip checking if the graph is a block.
tuple[Tensor, Tensor] or tuple[dict[str, Tensor], dict[str, Tensor]]
The features for input and output nodes
if isinstance(input_, tuple):
return input_
elif g is not None and g.is_block:
if isinstance(input_, Mapping):
input_dst = {
k: F.narrow_row(v, 0, g.number_of_dst_nodes(k))
for k, v in input_.items()
input_dst = F.narrow_row(input_, 0, g.number_of_dst_nodes())
return input_, input_dst
return input_, input_
def check_eq_shape(input_):
"""If input_ is a pair of features, check if the feature shape of source
nodes is equal to the feature shape of destination nodes.
srcdata, dstdata = expand_as_pair(input_)
src_feat_shape = tuple(F.shape(srcdata))[1:]
dst_feat_shape = tuple(F.shape(dstdata))[1:]
if src_feat_shape != dst_feat_shape:
raise DGLError(
"The feature shape of source nodes: {} \
should be equal to the feature shape of destination \
nodes: {}.".format(
src_feat_shape, dst_feat_shape
def retry_method_with_fix(fix_method):
"""Decorator that executes a fix method before retrying again when the decorated method
fails once with any exception.
If the decorated method fails again, the execution fails with that exception.
This decorator only works on class methods, and the fix function must also be a class method.
It would not work on functions.
fix_func : callable
The fix method to execute. It should not accept any arguments. Its return values are
def _creator(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pylint: disable=W0703,bare-except
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return _creator
def group_as_dict(pairs):
"""Combines a list of key-value pairs to a dictionary of keys and value lists.
Does not require the pairs to be sorted by keys.
pairs : iterable
Iterable of key-value pairs
The dictionary of keys and value lists.
dic = defaultdict(list)
for key, value in pairs:
return dic
class FlattenedDict(object):
"""Iterates over each item in a dictionary of groups.
groups : dict
The item groups.
>>> groups = FlattenedDict({'a': [1, 3], 'b': [2, 5, 8], 'c': [7]})
>>> list(groups)
[('a', 1), ('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('b', 5), ('b', 8), ('c', 7)]
>>> groups[2]
('b', 2)
>>> len(groups)
def __init__(self, groups):
self._groups = groups
group_sizes = {k: len(v) for k, v in groups.items()}
self._group_keys, self._group_sizes = zip(*group_sizes.items())
self._group_offsets = np.insert(np.cumsum(self._group_sizes), 0, 0)
# TODO: this is faster (37s -> 21s per epoch compared to searchsorted in GCMC) but takes
# O(E) memory.
self._idx_to_group = np.zeros(self._group_offsets[-1], dtype="int32")
for i in range(len(self._groups)):
self._group_offsets[i] : self._group_offsets[i + 1]
] = i
def __len__(self):
"""Return the total number of items."""
return self._group_offsets[-1]
def __iter__(self):
"""Return the iterator of all items with the key of its original group."""
for i, k in enumerate(self._group_keys):
for j in range(self._group_sizes[i]):
yield k, self._groups[k][j]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Return the item at the given position with the key of its original group."""
i = self._idx_to_group[idx]
k = self._group_keys[i]
j = idx - self._group_offsets[i]
g = self._groups[k]
return k, g[j]
def maybe_flatten_dict(data):
"""Return a FlattenedDict if the input is a Mapping, or the data itself otherwise."""
return FlattenedDict(data) if isinstance(data, Mapping) else data
def compensate(ids, origin_ids):
"""computing the compensate set of ids from origin_ids
Note: ids should be a subset of origin_ids.
Any of ids and origin_ids can be non-consecutive,
and origin_ids should be sorted.
>>> ids = th.Tensor([0, 2, 4])
>>> origin_ids = th.Tensor([0, 1, 2, 4, 5])
>>> compensate(ids, origin_ids)
th.Tensor([1, 5])
# trick here, eid_0 or nid_0 can be 0.
mask = F.scatter_row(
F.copy_to(F.tensor(0, dtype=F.int64), F.context(origin_ids)),
F.tensor(1, dtype=F.dtype(origin_ids)), F.context(origin_ids)
mask = F.scatter_row(
mask, ids, F.full_1d(len(ids), 0, F.dtype(ids), F.context(ids))
return F.tensor(F.nonzero_1d(mask), dtype=F.dtype(ids))
def relabel(x):
"""Relabel the input ids to continuous ids that starts from zero.
Ids are assigned new ids according to their ascending order.
>>> x = [1, 5, 3, 6]
>>> n2o, o2n = build_relabel_map(x)
>>> n2o
[1, 3, 5, 6]
>>> o2n
[n/a, 0, n/a, 1, n/a, 2, 3]
"n/a" will be filled with 0
x : Tensor
ID tensor.
new_to_old : Tensor
The mapping from new id to old id.
old_to_new : Tensor
The mapping from old id to new id. It is a vector of length MAX(x).
One can use advanced indexing to convert an old id tensor to a
new id tensor: new_id = old_to_new[old_id]
unique_x = F.unique(x)
map_len = F.as_scalar(F.max(unique_x, dim=0)) + 1
ctx = F.context(x)
dtype = F.dtype(x)
old_to_new = F.zeros((map_len,), dtype=dtype, ctx=ctx)
old_to_new = F.scatter_row(
old_to_new, unique_x, F.copy_to(F.arange(0, len(unique_x), dtype), ctx)
return unique_x, old_to_new
def extract_node_subframes(graph, nodes_or_device, store_ids=True):
"""Extract node features of the given nodes from :attr:`graph`
and return them in frames on the given device.
Note that this function does not perform actual tensor memory copy but using `Frame.subframe`
to get the features. If :attr:`nodes` is None, it performs a shallow copy of the
original node frames that only copies the dictionary structure but not the tensor
graph : DGLGraph
The graph to extract features from.
nodes : list[Tensor] or device or None
Node IDs or device.
If a list, the list length must be equal to the number of node types
in the graph.
If None, the whole frame is shallow-copied.
store_ids : bool
If True, the returned frames will store :attr:`nodes` in the ``dgl.NID`` field
unless it is None.
Extracted node frames.
if nodes_or_device is None:
node_frames = [nf.clone() for nf in graph._node_frames]
elif is_listlike(nodes_or_device):
node_frames = []
for i, ind_nodes in enumerate(nodes_or_device):
subf = graph._node_frames[i].subframe(ind_nodes)
if store_ids:
subf[NID] = ind_nodes
else: # device object
node_frames = [nf.to(nodes_or_device) for nf in graph._node_frames]
return node_frames
def extract_node_subframes_for_block(graph, srcnodes, dstnodes):
"""Extract the input node features and output node features of the given nodes from
:attr:`graph` and return them in frames ready for a block.
Note that this function does not perform actual tensor memory copy but using `Frame.subframe`
to get the features. If :attr:`srcnodes` or :attr:`dstnodes` is None, it performs a
shallow copy of the original node frames that only copies the dictionary structure
but not the tensor contents.
graph : DGLGraph
The graph to extract features from.
srcnodes : list[Tensor]
Input node IDs. The list length must be equal to the number of node types
in the graph. The returned frames store the node IDs in the ``dgl.NID`` field.
dstnodes : list[Tensor]
Output node IDs. The list length must be equal to the number of node types
in the graph. The returned frames store the node IDs in the ``dgl.NID`` field.
Extracted node frames.
node_frames = []
for i, ind_nodes in enumerate(srcnodes):
subf = graph._node_frames[i].subframe(ind_nodes)
subf[NID] = ind_nodes
for i, ind_nodes in enumerate(dstnodes):
subf = graph._node_frames[i].subframe(ind_nodes)
subf[NID] = ind_nodes
return node_frames
def extract_edge_subframes(graph, edges_or_device, store_ids=True):
"""Extract edge features of the given edges from :attr:`graph`
and return them in frames.
Note that this function does not perform actual tensor memory copy but using `Frame.subframe`
to get the features. If :attr:`edges` is None, it performs a shallow copy of the
original edge frames that only copies the dictionary structure but not the tensor
graph : DGLGraph
The graph to extract features from.
edges_or_device : list[Tensor] or device or None
Edge IDs.
If a list, the list length must be equal to the number of edge types
in the graph.
If None, the whole frame is shallow-copied.
store_ids : bool
If True, the returned frames will store :attr:`edges` in the ``dgl.EID`` field
unless it is None.
Extracted edge frames.
if edges_or_device is None:
edge_frames = [nf.clone() for nf in graph._edge_frames]
elif is_listlike(edges_or_device):
edge_frames = []
for i, ind_edges in enumerate(edges_or_device):
subf = graph._edge_frames[i].subframe(ind_edges)
if store_ids:
subf[EID] = ind_edges
else: # device object
edge_frames = [nf.to(edges_or_device) for nf in graph._edge_frames]
return edge_frames
def set_new_frames(graph, *, node_frames=None, edge_frames=None):
"""Set the node and edge frames of a given graph to new ones.
graph : DGLGraph
The graph whose node and edge frames are to be updated.
node_frames : list[Frame], optional
New node frames.
Default is None, where the node frames are not updated.
edge_frames : list[Frame], optional
New edge frames
Default is None, where the edge frames are not updated.
if node_frames is not None:
assert len(node_frames) == len(
), "[BUG] number of node frames different from number of node types"
graph._node_frames = node_frames
if edge_frames is not None:
assert len(edge_frames) == len(
), "[BUG] number of edge frames different from number of edge types"
graph._edge_frames = edge_frames
def set_num_threads(num_threads):
"""Set the number of OMP threads in the process.
num_threads : int
The number of OMP threads in the process.
def get_num_threads():
"""Get the number of OMP threads in the process"""
return _CAPI_DGLGetOMPThreads()
def get_numa_nodes_cores():
"""Returns numa nodes info, format:
{<node_id>: [(<core_id>, [<sibling_thread_id_0>, <sibling_thread_id_1>, ...]), ...], ...}
E.g.: {0: [(0, [0, 4]), (1, [1, 5])], 1: [(2, [2, 6]), (3, [3, 7])]}
If not available, returns {}
numa_node_paths = glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node[0-9]*")
if not numa_node_paths:
return {}
nodes = {}
for node_path in numa_node_paths:
numa_node_id = int(os.path.basename(node_path)[4:])
thread_siblings = {}
for cpu_dir in glob.glob(os.path.join(node_path, "cpu[0-9]*")):
cpu_id = int(os.path.basename(cpu_dir)[3:])
with open(
os.path.join(cpu_dir, "topology", "core_id")
) as core_id_file:
core_id = int(core_id_file.read().strip())
if core_id in thread_siblings:
thread_siblings[core_id] = [cpu_id]
nodes[numa_node_id] = sorted(
[(k, sorted(v)) for k, v in thread_siblings.items()]
except (OSError, ValueError, IndexError, IOError):
dgl_warning("Failed to read NUMA info")
return {}
return nodes
def alias_func(func):
"""Return an alias function with proper docstring."""
def _fn(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
_fn.__doc__ = """Alias of :func:`dgl.{}`.""".format(func.__name__)
return _fn
[docs]def apply_each(data, fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Apply a function to every element in a container.
If the input data is a list or any sequence other than a string, returns a list
whose elements are the same elements applied with the given function.
If the input data is a dict or any mapping, returns a dict whose keys are the same
and values are the elements applied with the given function.
The first argument of the function will be passed with the individual elements from
the input data, followed by the arguments in :attr:`args` and :attr:`kwargs`.
data : any
Any object.
fn : callable
Any function.
args, kwargs :
Additional arguments and keyword-arguments passed to the function.
Applying a ReLU function to a dictionary of tensors:
>>> h = {k: torch.randn(3) for k in ['A', 'B', 'C']}
>>> h = apply_each(h, torch.nn.functional.relu)
>>> assert all((v >= 0).all() for v in h.values())
if isinstance(data, Mapping):
return {k: fn(v, *args, **kwargs) for k, v in data.items()}
elif is_listlike(data):
return [fn(v, *args, **kwargs) for v in data]
return fn(data, *args, **kwargs)
def recursive_apply(data, fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Recursively apply a function to every element in a container.
If the input data is a list or any sequence other than a string, returns a list
whose elements are the same elements applied with the given function.
If the input data is a dict or any mapping, returns a dict whose keys are the same
and values are the elements applied with the given function.
If the input data is a nested container, the result will have the same nested
structure where each element is transformed recursively.
The first argument of the function will be passed with the individual elements from
the input data, followed by the arguments in :attr:`args` and :attr:`kwargs`.
data : any
Any object.
fn : callable
Any function.
args, kwargs :
Additional arguments and keyword-arguments passed to the function.
Applying a ReLU function to a dictionary of tensors:
>>> h = {k: torch.randn(3) for k in ['A', 'B', 'C']}
>>> h = recursive_apply(h, torch.nn.functional.relu)
>>> assert all((v >= 0).all() for v in h.values())
if isinstance(data, Mapping):
return {
k: recursive_apply(v, fn, *args, **kwargs) for k, v in data.items()
elif is_listlike(data):
return [recursive_apply(v, fn, *args, **kwargs) for v in data]
return fn(data, *args, **kwargs)
def recursive_apply_pair(data1, data2, fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Recursively apply a function to every pair of elements in two containers with the
same nested structure.
if isinstance(data1, Mapping) and isinstance(data2, Mapping):
return {
k: recursive_apply_pair(data1[k], data2[k], fn, *args, **kwargs)
for k in data1.keys()
elif is_listlike(data1) and is_listlike(data2):
return [
recursive_apply_pair(x, y, fn, *args, **kwargs)
for x, y in zip(data1, data2)
return fn(data1, data2, *args, **kwargs)
def context_of(data):
"""Return the device of the data which can be either a tensor or a list/dict of tensors."""
if isinstance(data, Mapping):
return F.context(next(iter(data.values())))
elif is_listlike(data):
return F.context(next(iter(data)))
return F.context(data)
def dtype_of(data):
"""Return the dtype of the data which can be either a tensor or a dict of tensors."""
return F.dtype(
next(iter(data.values())) if isinstance(data, Mapping) else data