"""This file contains NodeFlow samplers."""
import sys
import numpy as np
import threading
import random
import traceback
from ..._ffi.function import _init_api
from ... import utils
from ...nodeflow import NodeFlow
from ... import backend as F
from ...utils import unwrap_to_ptr_list
import Queue as queue
except ImportError:
import queue
__all__ = ['NeighborSampler', 'LayerSampler']
class SampledSubgraphLoader(object):
def __init__(self, g, batch_size, sampler,
expand_factor=None, num_hops=1, layer_sizes=None,
neighbor_type='in', node_prob=None, seed_nodes=None,
shuffle=False, num_workers=1, add_self_loop=False):
self._g = g
if not g._graph.is_readonly():
raise NotImplementedError("NodeFlow loader only support read-only graphs.")
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._sampler = sampler
if sampler == 'neighbor':
self._expand_factor = expand_factor
self._num_hops = num_hops
elif sampler == 'layer':
self._layer_sizes = utils.toindex(layer_sizes)
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid sampler option: "%s"' % sampler)
self._node_prob = node_prob
if node_prob is not None:
raise NotImplementedError('Non-uniform sampling is currently not supported.')
self._add_self_loop = add_self_loop
if self._node_prob is not None:
assert self._node_prob.shape[0] == g.number_of_nodes(), \
"We need to know the sampling probability of every node"
if seed_nodes is None:
self._seed_nodes = F.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes())
self._seed_nodes = seed_nodes
if shuffle:
self._seed_nodes = F.rand_shuffle(self._seed_nodes)
self._seed_nodes = utils.toindex(self._seed_nodes)
self._num_workers = num_workers
self._neighbor_type = neighbor_type
self._nflows = []
self._seed_ids = []
self._nflow_idx = 0
def _prefetch(self):
if self._sampler == 'neighbor':
handles = unwrap_to_ptr_list(_CAPI_UniformSampling(
int(self._nflow_idx), # start batch id
int(self._batch_size), # batch size
int(self._num_workers), # num batches
elif self._sampler == 'layer':
handles = unwrap_to_ptr_list(_CAPI_LayerSampling(
int(self._nflow_idx), # start batch id
int(self._batch_size), # batch size
int(self._num_workers), # num batches
raise NotImplementedError('Invalid sampler option: "%s"' % self._sampler)
nflows = [NodeFlow(self._g, hdl) for hdl in handles]
self._nflow_idx += len(nflows)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# If we don't have prefetched NodeFlows, let's prefetch them.
if len(self._nflows) == 0:
# At this point, if we still don't have NodeFlows, we must have
# iterate all NodeFlows and we should stop the iterator now.
if len(self._nflows) == 0:
raise StopIteration
return self._nflows.pop(0)
class _Prefetcher(object):
"""Internal shared prefetcher logic. It can be sub-classed by a Thread-based implementation
or Process-based implementation."""
_dataq = None # Data queue transmits prefetched elements
_controlq = None # Control queue to instruct thread / process shutdown
_errorq = None # Error queue to transmit exceptions from worker to master
_checked_start = False # True once startup has been checkd by _check_start
def __init__(self, loader, num_prefetch):
super(_Prefetcher, self).__init__()
self.loader = loader
assert num_prefetch > 0, 'Unbounded Prefetcher is unsupported.'
self.num_prefetch = num_prefetch
def run(self):
"""Method representing the process’s activity."""
# Startup - Master waits for this
loader_iter = iter(self.loader)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self._errorq.put((e, tb))
while True:
try: # Check control queue
c = self._controlq.get(False)
if c is None:
raise RuntimeError('Got unexpected control code {}'.format(repr(c)))
except queue.Empty:
except RuntimeError as e:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
self._errorq.put((e, tb))
data = next(loader_iter)
error = None
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
tb = traceback.format_exc()
error = (e, tb)
data = None
def __next__(self):
next_item = self._dataq.get()
next_error = self._errorq.get()
if next_error is None:
return next_item
if isinstance(next_error[0], StopIteration):
raise StopIteration
return self._reraise(*next_error)
def _reraise(self, e, tb):
print('Reraising exception from Prefetcher', file=sys.stderr)
print(tb, file=sys.stderr)
raise e
def _check_start(self):
assert not self._checked_start
self._checked_start = True
next_error = self._errorq.get(block=True)
if next_error is not None:
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
class _ThreadPrefetcher(_Prefetcher, threading.Thread):
"""Internal threaded prefetcher."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(_ThreadPrefetcher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._dataq = queue.Queue(self.num_prefetch)
self._controlq = queue.Queue()
self._errorq = queue.Queue(self.num_prefetch)
self.daemon = True
class _PrefetchingLoader(object):
"""Prefetcher for a Loader in a separate Thread or Process.
This iterator will create another thread or process to perform
``iter_next`` and then store the data in memory. It potentially accelerates
the data read, at the cost of more memory usage.
loader : an iterator
Source loader.
num_prefetch : int, default 1
Number of elements to prefetch from the loader. Must be greater 0.
def __init__(self, loader, num_prefetch=1):
self._loader = loader
self._num_prefetch = num_prefetch
if num_prefetch < 1:
raise ValueError('num_prefetch must be greater 0.')
def __iter__(self):
return _ThreadPrefetcher(self._loader, self._num_prefetch)
[docs]def NeighborSampler(g, batch_size, expand_factor, num_hops=1,
neighbor_type='in', node_prob=None, seed_nodes=None,
shuffle=False, num_workers=1, prefetch=False, add_self_loop=False):
'''Create a sampler that samples neighborhood.
It returns a generator of :class:`~dgl.NodeFlow`. This can be viewed as
an analogy of *mini-batch training* on graph data -- the given graph represents
the whole dataset and the returned generator produces mini-batches (in the form
of :class:`~dgl.NodeFlow` objects).
A NodeFlow grows from sampled nodes. It first samples a set of nodes from the given
``seed_nodes`` (or all the nodes if not given), then samples their neighbors
and extracts the subgraph. If the number of hops is :math:`k(>1)`, the process is repeated
recursively, with the neighbor nodes just sampled become the new seed nodes.
The result is a graph we defined as :class:`~dgl.NodeFlow` that contains :math:`k+1`
layers. The last layer is the initial seed nodes. The sampled neighbor nodes in
layer :math:`i+1` are in layer :math:`i`. All the edges are from nodes
in layer :math:`i` to layer :math:`i+1`.
TODO(minjie): give a figure here.
As an analogy to mini-batch training, the ``batch_size`` here is equal to the number
of the initial seed nodes (number of nodes in the last layer).
The number of nodeflow objects (the number of batches) is calculated by
``len(seed_nodes) // batch_size`` (if ``seed_nodes`` is None, then it is equal
to the set of all nodes in the graph).
g : DGLGraph
The DGLGraph where we sample NodeFlows.
batch_size : int
The batch size (i.e, the number of nodes in the last layer)
expand_factor : int, float, str
The number of neighbors sampled from the neighbor list of a vertex.
The value of this parameter can be:
* int: indicates the number of neighbors sampled from a neighbor list.
* float: indicates the ratio of the sampled neighbors in a neighbor list.
* str: indicates some common ways of calculating the number of sampled neighbors,
e.g., ``sqrt(deg)``.
Note that no matter how large the expand_factor, the max number of sampled neighbors
is the neighborhood size.
num_hops : int, optional
The number of hops to sample (i.e, the number of layers in the NodeFlow).
Default: 1
neighbor_type: str, optional
Indicates the neighbors on different types of edges.
* "in": the neighbors on the in-edges.
* "out": the neighbors on the out-edges.
* "both": the neighbors on both types of edges.
Default: "in"
node_prob : Tensor, optional
A 1D tensor for the probability that a neighbor node is sampled.
None means uniform sampling. Otherwise, the number of elements
should be equal to the number of vertices in the graph.
Default: None
seed_nodes : Tensor, optional
A 1D tensor list of nodes where we sample NodeFlows from.
If None, the seed vertices are all the vertices in the graph.
Default: None
shuffle : bool, optional
Indicates the sampled NodeFlows are shuffled. Default: False
num_workers : int, optional
The number of worker threads that sample NodeFlows in parallel. Default: 1
prefetch : bool, optional
If true, prefetch the samples in the next batch. Default: False
add_self_loop : bool, optional
If true, add self loop to the sampled NodeFlow.
The edge IDs of the self loop edges are -1. Default: False
The generator of NodeFlows.
loader = SampledSubgraphLoader(g, batch_size, 'neighbor',
expand_factor=expand_factor, num_hops=num_hops,
neighbor_type=neighbor_type, node_prob=node_prob,
seed_nodes=seed_nodes, shuffle=shuffle,
if not prefetch:
return loader
return _PrefetchingLoader(loader, num_prefetch=num_workers*2)
def LayerSampler(g, batch_size, layer_sizes,
neighbor_type='in', node_prob=None, seed_nodes=None,
shuffle=False, num_workers=1, prefetch=False):
'''Create a sampler that samples neighborhood.
This creates a NodeFlow loader that samples subgraphs from the input graph
with layer-wise sampling. This sampling method is implemented in C and can perform
sampling very efficiently.
The NodeFlow loader returns a list of NodeFlows.
The size of the NodeFlow list is the number of workers.
g: the DGLGraph where we sample NodeFlows.
batch_size: The number of NodeFlows in a batch.
layer_size: A list of layer sizes.
node_prob: the probability that a neighbor node is sampled.
Not implemented.
seed_nodes: a list of nodes where we sample NodeFlows from.
If it's None, the seed vertices are all vertices in the graph.
shuffle: indicates the sampled NodeFlows are shuffled.
num_workers: the number of worker threads that sample NodeFlows in parallel.
prefetch : bool, default False
Whether to prefetch the samples in the next batch.
A NodeFlow iterator
The iterator returns a list of batched NodeFlows.
loader = SampledSubgraphLoader(g, batch_size, 'layer', layer_sizes=layer_sizes,
neighbor_type=neighbor_type, node_prob=node_prob,
seed_nodes=seed_nodes, shuffle=shuffle,
if not prefetch:
return loader
return _PrefetchingLoader(loader, num_prefetch=num_workers*2)
def create_full_nodeflow(g, num_layers, add_self_loop=False):
"""Convert a full graph to NodeFlow to run a L-layer GNN model.
g : DGLGraph
a DGL graph
num_layers : int
The number of layers
add_self_loop : bool, default False
Whether to add self loop to the sampled NodeFlow.
If True, the edge IDs of the self loop edges are -1.
a NodeFlow with a specified number of layers.
batch_size = g.number_of_nodes()
expand_factor = g.number_of_nodes()
sampler = NeighborSampler(g, batch_size, expand_factor,
num_layers, add_self_loop=add_self_loop)
return next(sampler)
_init_api('dgl.sampling', __name__)